I wince when Mayor Mumbles calls Boston a 'world class city'. We really are not. For starters try to get something to eat after midnight in this town. IHOP's in Harvard Sq and elsewhere don't cut it.
Yes Boston is unique because of our institutes of higher learning. Harvard, MIT bring us the best of the best to learn here and BC,BU, Tufts and the other fine schools help the city stay recession proof. We are also arguably the best city in the world to get sick in. But we are not in the same league as cities like London, Paris, New York or even Chicago. For starters in those cities you can get public transportation at 2 in the morning.
There are a handful of great cities in the US and Canada. New York and Los Angeles for better or worse stand alone in what they offer. Chicago despite dealing with awful weather in the winter follows right behind. So where does Boston fit in?
I would put us at the same level as Seattle, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington, Toronto, Montreal and Atlanta.
Seattle and San Francisco feel very comfortable to a Bostonian. They are both beautiful cities physically with the mixture of hills and water. Certainly their weather is less severe than here and that has helped them attract companies and workers in this internet age. Boston is simply a harder sell now to attract companies.
We used to have a world class newspaper but the NY Times has all but destroyed the Boston Globe. The Herald is like a cat but I fear it is on life number 8.
We are proud of our sports teams and even with the Patriots debacle in the Super Bowl it has been a good year. However our city is now hated by sportsfans nationwide, not because of the teams but the fanbase. Sadly we have become more obnoxious than New York fans. Millions of fans rooted for the Giants in the Super Bowl just because they were playing a team from Boston.
Still we offer more than most cities. We are a gateway to the Cape, Maine, New Hampshire and the rest of New England. New York is 4 hours away or less by plane, train or the immortal Fung Wah. Montreal is only 5 hours away as well.
The city is also cosmopolitan as it is a magnet for visitors from Europe. They come here to shop and avoid the hassles of Manhattan ( and who can blame them ) Boston may seem expensive to us but it is very cheap for them.
We pay through the nose for the right to live here but it is home.
But World Class? No.....
The reality is the city is not a small New York but a big Providence.....not that there is anything wrong with that.!!!