I am amused to find out that the feature travel destination in the Sunday Chicago Tribune on October 18th is CAMBRIDGE?????
The story offers gems like
- If you must revisit the Cambridge Police Department's globally famous arrest and release of professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. in July, don't go looking for his house. Instead, look for Gates, a regular customer, in the crowd at Mr. Bartley's Gourmet Burgers (aka Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage, 1246 Massachusetts Ave.), a Mass Ave fixture since Bob Dylan and Joan Baez chowed down there in the 1960s.
- Look both ways. The streets are teeming with New England drivers (not known for their congeniality) and Cambridge pedestrians, which is just a fancy way of saying jaywalkers. Maybe the locals will think you're a dweeb, waiting for a green light. But sometimes dweebs live longer.